Josai Mathematical Monographs
ISSN 1344-7777
Cover, Title Page, Imprint, Editer, Contents
List of Participants
Asymptotic behavior of regularized estimator under multiple and mixed-rates asymptotics
Yusuke Shimizu (3)
On the behavior of solutions for Lanchester square-law models with time-dependent coefficients
Toshiko Ogiwara / Hiroyuki Usami (15)
Measures of analytic type and semicharacters
Hiroshi Yamaguchi (27)
A survey of a property of random walks on a cycle graph
Yasunari Fukai (37)
Operating functions in harmonic analysis
Enji Sato (47)
Convergence theorems of the Choquet integral for three types of convergence of measurable functions
Jun Kawabe (55)
Tsallis relative operator entropy of negative order
Yuki Seo (75)
Quantum gates and TQC
Jun Ichi Fujii (87)
Weak and strong convergence theorems for some classes of nonlinear mappings
Sachiko Atsushiba (97)
A shrinking projection method for generalized firmly nonexpansive mappings with nonsummable errors
Takanori Ibaraki / Shunsuke Kajiba (105)
Parallel hybrid methods for relatively nonexpansive mappings
Koji Aoyama (121)
Semidefinite Programming Approach to Combinatorial Optimization
Hiroshi Miyashita (131)
On classification of commutative Banach algebras and Banach modules
Sin-Ei Takahasi (145)
Josai University, Graduate School of Science