Josai Mathematical Monographs
ISSN 1344-7777
Vol. 8
2015. 3
Cover, Title Page, Imprint, Contents, Editer
List of Participants
Distributions of numbers of runs and scans on higher order Markov directed acyclic graphs with generation
Kiyoshi Inoue (3)
Joint distributions of numbers of trails and returns to the origin until random walk reaches at absorbing states
Katsuomi Hirano / Norihiro Yoshida (17)
On calculations of exact distributions of waiting times of discrete patterns based on generating functions
Shigeo Aki (25)
Tests for mean vectors with two-step and three-step monotone samples
Ayaka Yagi / Takashi Seo (49)
Eulerian distribution with a missing number
Takahiro Tsuchiya (73)
Pseudo-Normal Random Number Generation via the Eulerian Numbers
Nagatomo Nakamura (85)
Predictive model selection criteria for relevance vector regression models
Kazuki Matsuda (97)
Information-Theoretically Secure Blind Authentication Codes without Verifier's Secret Keys
Noriyasu Takei / Yohei Watanabe / Junji Shikata (115)
Josai University, Graduate School of Science