ID | JOS-19438141-11-7310 |
著者:名前 | 于, 博文/ 袁, 博/ 清海, 杏奈/ 菊地, 秀与/ 林, 秀樹/ Hu, Xiaomei/ 岡﨑, 真理/ 杉浦, 宗敏/ 平野, 俊彦/ Pei, Xiaohua/ 高木, 教夫 |
著者:別形式 | Yu, Bowen / Yuan, Bo / Kiyomi, Anna / Kikuchi, Hidetomo / Hayashi, Hideki / Hu, Xiaomei / Okazaki, Mari / Sugiura, Munetoshi / Hirano, Toshihiko / Pei, Xiaohua / Takagi, Norio |
著者:カナ | Yu, Bowen/ エン, パク/ キヨミ, アンナ/ キクチ, ヒデトモ/ ハヤシ, ヒデアキ/ Hu, Xiaomei/ オカザキ, マリ/ スギウラ, ムネトシ/ ヒラノ, トシヒコ/ Pei, Xiaohua/ タカギ, ノリオ |
著者:所属 | 東京薬科大学薬学部応用生化学教室 / 城西大学薬学部薬学科薬品作用学研究室 / 東京薬科大学薬学部医薬品安全管理学教室 /
城西大学薬学部薬物療法学研究室 / 東京薬科大学薬学部応用生化学教室 / China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Xiyuan Hospital /
城西大学薬学部薬学科薬品作用学研究室 / 東京薬科大学薬学部医薬品安全管理学教室 / 東京薬科大学薬学部臨床薬理学教室 /
Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Third Affiliated Hospital / 東京薬科大学薬学部応用生化学教室 |
著者:所属(別形式) | Tokyo University of Pharmacy & Life Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Department of Applied Biochemistry / Josai University, Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Laboratory of Pharmacology / Tokyo University of Pharmacy & Life Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Department of Drug Safety and Risk Management / Josai University, Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Clinical Dietetics and Human Nutrition, Laboratory of Pharmacotherapy / Tokyo University of Pharmacy & Life Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Department of Applied Biochemistry /
Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences / Josai University, Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Laboratory of Pharmacology / Tokyo University of Pharmacy & Life Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Department of Drug Safety and Risk Management /
Tokyo University of Pharmacy & Life Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Department of Clinical Pharmacology / Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Third Affiliated Hospital / Tokyo University of Pharmacy & Life Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Department of Applied Biochemistry |
著者版フラグ | publisher |
出版者 | e-Century Publishing Corporation |
電子ISSN | 19438141 |
掲載誌名 | |
巻 | 11 |
号 | 12 |
刊行年月 | 2019-12 |
開始ページ | 7310 |
終了ページ | 7323 |
コンテンツ作成日 | 2019-08-04 |
コンテンツ修正日 | 2019-10-25 |
コンテンツ登録日 | 2020-03-07 |
PubMed番号 | 31934280 |
抄録 | Background: To provide novel insight into the development of new therapeutic strategies to combat breast cancer, differentiation-inducing activity of clinically achievable concentrations of arsenite (AsIII) and tetrandrine (Tetra) was investigated in breast cancer cell lines MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7. Methods: Differentiation induction of cancer cells was analyzed by flow cytometer. Alterations of genes related to differentiation, and proliferation of human normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were analyzed using western blotting and cell viability assay, respectively. Results: Exposure to Tetra alone or in combination with AsIII induced differentiation of both cells characterized by upregulation of ICAM-1, downregulation of Her2/neu. In comparison with MCF-7, the combination of lower concentrations of AsIII and Tetra induced differentiation of MDA-MB-231, indicating that MDA-MB-231 cells were highly susceptible to differentiation. The differentiation occurred in parallel with activation of Erk signaling pathway, and was abolished by PD98059, a potent Erk inhibitor. Consistent with in vitro experimental results, the upregulation of ICAM-1 and the activation of Erk signaling pathway were also observed in MDA-MB-231 breast tumors in xenograft mouse obtained from our previous study. No obvious proliferation inhibition of PBMCs was observed following the exposure to AsIII combined with Tetra at the concentrations capable of inducing differentiation of MDA-MB-231 cells. Conclusion: The Erk signaling pathway may be crucially involved in the differentiation induction of breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. Collectively, our results suggest that the combination can probably serve as promising candidates for the development of novel therapeutic approaches for different types of breast cancer. |
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言語 | eng |
資源タイプ | text |
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フォーマット | application/pdf |
権利 | Copyright © 2019 e-Century Publishing Corporation |
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