ID | JOS-13447777-07_85 |
別タイトル | Mathematics and Computer Science :Proceedings of Annual Workshop on Mathematics and Computer Science, March 25, 2014, JOSAI UNIVERSITY |
著者:名前 | |
著者:別形式 | Seito, Takenobu / Watanabe, Yohei / Kinose, Kazuyuki / Shikata, Junji |
著者:カナ | |
著者:所属 | 横浜国立大学大学院環境情報研究院 / 横浜国立大学大学院環境情報研究院 / 横浜国立大学大学院環境情報研究院 / 横浜国立大学大学院環境情報研究院 |
著者:所属(別形式) | Yokohama National University, Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences / Yokohama National University, Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences / Yokohama National University, Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences / Yokohama National University, Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences |
著者版フラグ | publisher |
出版地 | 埼玉県坂戸市 |
出版者 | 城西大学理学研究科 |
出版者:カナ | ジョウサイダイガクリガクケンキュウカ |
出版者:別名 | Josai University, Graduate School of Science |
NCID | AA1141485X |
冊子ISSN | 13447777 |
掲載誌名 | |
巻 | 7 |
刊行年月 | 2014-03 |
開始ページ | 85 |
終了ページ | 110 |
コンテンツ作成日 | 2014-03 |
コンテンツ登録日 | 2014-07-15 |
JaLC DOI | info:doi/10.20566/13447777_7_85 |
抄録 | In cryptographic applications, there is often a need for protecting privacy of users besides integrity of message transmitted in a public channel. In information-theoretic (or unconditional) security setting, a model of GA-codes (Group Authentication codes) which can ensure both the integrity of the message and the anonymity for senders was proposed. In this model, there are multiple senders and a single receiver. And, one of the senders can generate an authenticated message anonymously. That is, the receiver can verify the validity of the authenticated message, but he cannot specify the sender of it. In GA-codes, it is assumed that both the sender and receiver are honest. However, it may be unnatural and an ideal assumption in several situations. In this paper, we remove the assumption and newly propose a formal definition (i.e., the model and security definitions) of GA2-codes (Group Authentication codes with Arbitration). In GA2-codes, it is assumed that the sender or the receiver can be dishonest and thus a dispute between them may occur. To resolve such a dispute, we introduce an honest arbiter in GA2-codes. This model can be considered as natural extension of that of both the GAcodes and the traditional A2-codes (Authentication codes with Arbitration). In addition, we propose a construction which meets our security definition of GA2-codes by using polynomials over finite fields. We also consider the case that the arbiter is not always honest and call this model GA3-codes (GA2-codes with protection against arbiter’s attack), which is further extension of GA2-codes and be naturally considered from a similar setting of the traditional A3-codes (A2-code with protection against arbiter’s attack). |
注記 | Mathematics and Computer Science : Proceedings of Annual Workshop on Mathematics and Computer Science, held at Josai University on March 25 in 2014 / edited by Masatoshi IIDA, Manabu INUMA, Kiyoko NISHIZAWA |
言語 | eng |
資源タイプ | text |
ジャンル | |
フォーマット | application/pdf |
権利 | Copyright c 2014 Josai University |
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